Friday, November 13, 2009

Graphic Design Crashcourse: Introduction / Overview

Before we begin, we have to talk about a few things. Mainly, some of the most important concepts in graphic design that you will use to enhance your site.

This will be the first part of many that will cover some of the basic concepts of graphic design needed to create an effective homepage design. Once you are familiar with these terms and concepts, you can use them to improve your design. The series will be broken down by topic, I'll describe each, provide my own insight into each and will provide you with examples to look at and compare.

NOTE: Just know that there is no substitute for getting formal training on design with an experienced instructor and experiencing a classroom critique of other designers. An experience like that makes you stronger and more critical as a designer. If you like this stuff and are serious about it, you should go to school to learn it. Its lots of fun. The items I highlight are simply the most common in my classes that have the greatest affect on creating a website.

Part 1: Purpose - What are you trying to say? Simplify Your Message >>

Part 2: Visual Heirarchy - Direct the viewer's eye, so things are clear.
  • Dominant
  • Subdominant
  • Subordinate

Part 3: Form - Make the viewer feel comfortable.
  • The Grid
  • Golden Rectangle
  • Rule of Thirds

Part 4: Harmony - Use color to convey an emotion and to keep everything together.
  • Repitition
  • Colors - Kuler
  • Eye Dropper Tool
  • Fonts I

Part 5: Contrast - Create visual vibrations in your design with these simple techniques.
  • Size and Scale
  • Color
  • Texture

Part 6: Usability - Let's make buttons.
  • Fonts II
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If you found this helpful, be sure to check out:

Part I - Simplify Your Message >>

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